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A list of fake profiles drivers should avoid and why

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: A list of fake profiles drivers should avoid and why

I have encountered several profile that were actually someone pretending to be girls looking for love but have actually been someone from Africa or elsewhere looking to scam. Even encountered some here in the us. Some real girls looking to use or i suspect as much. I would like to see posts on profiles others that have found that weren't who or what they say they are. The site cant delete them fast enough. If drivers would post up the bad apples then they can be avoided and everybody wont waste there time emailing these people.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Some of the easiest ways to tell are .. photos that look to good. Like there super models. If you get a ym message without send a message to the oerson b4. If you do talk to the person look at their english. That usually the first give away. Its just a little off. No cam on the pc. Most PC's now adays have them built right in. If they have no cam be suspicious. Why dont they want you seeing. Ask them for a number. Sometimes they even give you a foreign number. Google the prefex. Never ever send money to these people. Thats what's it all about anyway. Question everything. Keep asking questions. They will allways slip up. There good but they dont keep up very good with all the people they contact. So they tend to slip up.
Be careful Drivers. There out there lurking. Waiting to rob you blind

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January 5, 2005
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We would like to add that members should read the Online Dating Safety section in the HELP area.

And please use the REPORT link in the email system and/or on member profile pages any time you think a member might be a potential spammer / scammer.

We review every member who is reported.



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March 16, 2011
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`Twice over last couple years, both wanted me to respond through other email address.........

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August 21, 2012
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`Shouldn't send money to anyone you don't actually know anyways how dumb can you be not that there aren't deserving woman out ther but are few and far between

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November 9, 2007
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`now for the other side there are truckers out there too , who say they are single, divorced, widower, then you find out down the road that they are in a relationship and all they wanted was what they could get from a woman so how do you tell who's for real it's not easy since they live all over & have more excuses than a cat has nine live to say why they haven't contacted you again but there is a way. sorry you truckers have problems with fake profiles i've found the same fake profiles on truckers, as there are real honest women in here but you're right women & men both go for looks more & young but for me i'm not throwing in the towel as i know god will provide a good & honest also truthful man that we will both accept each other for our true selfs. may god bless you guys & gals out there with your hearts desire stay safe.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Lets not forget the profiles of people who use the excuse -
I'm very busy
I don't get online very often
My computer crashed last week

And my favorite - I put "looking for a relationship" but I only want a chat buddy cause I am agoraphobic.

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April 9, 2013
Posts: 38

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`Have had it happen to me.... except it was guys that were contractors & lost their money & needed to send me a check & I could send them some money back. B.S.... Wish I could meet a honest to God real man on here.

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